วันอังคารที่ 2 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

IQ intelligence ... enhance it.

IQ intelligence ... enhance it.

VTech Sit-to-Stand Alphabet Train

Quotient (IQ) of the full level of intelligence is the Intelligent Quotient. Which was measured by an intelligence test. I interpret it as a number. Normal levels of IQ in the range 90-110, these figures indicate a certain level of intelligence of the children. Can be measured as a number. It does not indicate that the main body of the wrong or not. Other elements to consider. With more.

The results of the measurement of IQ. To know in detail how. Using any test. A standard test or not. Who is the test. During the test the children are with you. To cooperate or not. Because these affect the reliability of the results were. We do not remember the numbers alone, then befriends a young brand that wise or foolish. IQ tests. I did not know better than anyone. But do to help find the problem. Help your child find ways to promote the development of IQ tests that are used together. It does not cover all the intelligence.

Matter of intelligence. The theory of multiple intelligence (Multiple Intelligence Theory) speak of intelligence. The idea that there is only one side. But there are at least eight areas.

1) the logic - mathematics (Logical-Mathematical Intelligence).

2) the language (Linguistic Intelligence).

3) the spatial (Visual Spatial Intelligence).

4) the bodily movements (Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence).

5) Music (Musical Intelligence).

6) the relationship with others. (Interpersonal Intelligence).

7) the self-understanding. (Intrapersonal Intelligence).

8) The Natural (Naturalist Intelligence).

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Each bright areas vary in some areas or some combination accounted for the balance. The clever part of these ingrained from birth. Considered the cost of each person differently. But another part of the learning experience more. Opportunity to practice. The importance of cultural and social conditions that are conducive to bringing out the.

For the wise. Relationships with others. And self-understanding. Have been put forward to get to know a new perspective. Commonly known as EQ (Emotional Quotient) have attempted to measure out a number like IQ. Still not as successful as it should on the measuring But it is getting widespread attention.

There is also the matter of creativity (Creative Thinking), which is another one that should be encouraged as well. Is a parallel with IQ. But not consistently. IQ people do not need to be creative as well. People are very creative. It's not necessary to have an IQ as well.

If your father, your mother can not find the perfect proportions of the various aspects of love, wisdom and support. Development in the right direction would be to help him is the wiser. There is wisdom in the direction appropriate for him. Continued to develop his own eventually. But if he's smart direction. Not suit him. One point may halt. Not develop by itself. And finally withdrew.

Approach to enhance intelligence.

1) promote healthy body.

A healthy body is the cornerstone. Their potential brain power. Full body of work by the brain dictates. Go back to the brain. A cycle of the IP. Promoting physical health and strength. A. There are three big main restaurant is a lounge.

First. Foods.

Nutrients. Appropriate amount of healthy brain development. But do not be calculated exhaustively. Eating should be fun, not stressful to eat and delicious to eat. I know that children do not enter at all hungry, but not hungry and poor brain. Because malnutrition. Children will learn that your body needs to eat too much, some days less, some days you just do not know. Only teach children to take food. Responsible for feeding themselves. Children to choose their own food on the menu. This will teach children how to think. Self-control. Responsibility And know exactly what I do not like anything.

Two. Fitness facility.

Exercise moderation. Getting some sun. Do not leave children, but in a narrow room. Because children are thought to be confined. Must exercise independent interest. No swimming lessons. With tennis Then finally with Taekwondo. Annexed by some golf again. Or train every day. Several hours a day. Preparation for competition. The child, but the pressures of stress.

Best exercise for children is play by play freely. The creativity and imagination of his thoughts. Which will help develop their creativity as well. And vent their aggression in the. Learn the rules of society, and many others.

Three. Lounge.

Should be enough rest. Sleep is the best rest. Each age there is a need to sleep as well. To help your child sleep enough, it has been growing age. During sleep-related growth hormone, it works fully. Meanwhile, the brain begins to organize ideas. Physical access to the data in the same sleeping.

Hobby was considered a pleasant one. Have free time to do some hobby. Children's activities are of special interest. Is a collection of animal or plant anything. This may seem ridiculous, it does not matter. Do not force the child to the hobby that we like. And that useful.

2) development with age.

Parents should pay attention to the developmental age of the child. It is important to learn. If progress is slow, it must be activated immediately. I was soon promoted faster as well. If you do too much. It adversely as well. Urging faster than the ability of the aged. May cause a child to lose confidence. I did not know the time.

Child Development is a four sided muscle. Gross motor, language and social aspects should be considered to promote all aspects. Children will develop the muscles from head to toe in steps from the neck like a crawling hand braced stand and walk.

If a child half years. I did not say a word. I need to find the cause quickly resolved to wait indefinitely. Kids may say the same, but not everyone is that lucky always.

3) I was taught to do (not just remember. Emulating a).

Teaching children to think Lange. The scientific process. To make a system. But, think outside the box. No limits on thought. Do not use for some reason. Be creative as well.

In the meantime, I think it took effect on self and others would not be so bad to think positively by teaching people to teach children to think in all forms.

* Based Systems (Systematic Thinking).

* Creative (Creative Thinking).

* Positive Thinking (Positive Thinking).

First., The thinking is.

Thinking systematically. Happens when asked to think of a term such as "the abacus that do" "If this is to be like" trying to avoid the word "guilty" to "no," but said, "I see another. "Create the confidence of children, thinking first. Confident enough to have a period after the word. Would not wrong. Because if the child had not been wrong yet. Social adjustment would be difficult as well.

The idea is to occur through experiments done with Doing so, however, that the cause of this result. Back and think that this result is caused by what.

Children have the opportunity to face some difficulties. Learning or problem solving. If children do not have the experience to fix small problems before they grow up to be a big problem because they never seemed to have found a way to solve the problem. But if the child is trying to fix it. It must be guided by them. Do not let them fix the problem and frustrated, discouraged, no confidence.

Two. Creativity.

Creativity and imagination are what carry children from birth anyway. Is preserved. Provide opportunities for children to express themselves freely. These things just will not go away.

The play is an expression of great creativity. Provide opportunities for children to play freely. Do not think that is nonsense. Let him do what he wants to do something.

Three. Positive thinking.

Children to think positive. When they are in a stable, secure environment, if the parents fight every day. Children living in stressful times. To make children think optimism is difficult. But because of the vacillation. Panic time.

Train children to know. Everything has both positive and negative. There are both advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the perspective that I think will look the side.

4) Create a reading habit.

The kids will wise up. Sometimes I can not figure everything out yourself. Must have knowledge of all information as well. Reading is the foundation of the acquisition of the data. But children who are forced to read the book at all. The precipitation in the study. I graduated from university. As opposed to a book. Refused to touch the book again. These are the children of Thailand. Powered cause cognitive disruption. By the way because he was not cultivating the reading habit since young. They read because they want to read. Not read because they want to read.

Children with reading habit. If your child has a book that they like. I read it to persist in reading. I do not understand it. The children are forced to read. It falls then stop reading immediately. Kids who love to read will always remember that. Which book is the book that impressed. I replied that no children. A. I like to read most, if not I glad. Well, that remains to be considered. What happens to the children would not normally know.

Habits of reading is not difficult. But cultivating since childhood. The first book is very important. Children should be impressed. And want to read the next book should be a picture book. Is a book that adults read to you before bed. Not allow children to read. Followed by a picture story book with very interesting characters.

If children have to cry since I read the first book. I do not expect that their children will become lovers of reading. Using the book. Cock first book. Force children to read to memorize read repeatedly in spite of not fun. It may make children hate books to it.

These may seem like a small thing in the eyes of adults. It affects the lives of children. If your kids like to read, do not force control From small matters do not have to be difficult to solve difficult forever.

5) Play a fun game to play for the under-aged.

It is sad that today will be talking about the play. I told the children to play. I tell them that they have to play with the ball, however. But if it does not mention it. Because this is a real problem. And a big problem with.

Playing is the nature of every child. And is the cornerstone of the development of intelligence. And the ability to learn all aspects of the child. It also has many benefits. From a fitness facility. Trained intelligence through play RPG. System in the brain thought to be a process. Story sequence.

Creative development. Learn new skills. Skills are not fluent. Confidence. Training Shrink aggressive emotional expression. Development of social skills. Coexistence Learn the rules. And most importantly, making their hearts merry, happy, and have many other benefits that can not be said to be out here.

I need to let the kids play some naughty play clay formation sand pile crumpled paper writing is sloppy, does not matter. But we'll give him a wider scope as it does not hurt others. Do not hurt yourself. Not destroyed. Play up to recognize the place. Let him play and fun to play, not being fierce is that all the time.

If the finished toys too. Children did not practice anything. Children lack the imagination to think. Hitting a child is sitting there like it. Nothing development.

Play some. Played on the stimuli. There is a story to follow. Too much competition. Him both as computer games obsession. Playstation game length. Should pull out of what some of these children. By substitution to find equally well. Let's not stop with nothing to do. Children to stop but the mind is still focused on the same immersion time.

The player must be age appropriate. And developmental level. Parents to help in the selection of toys. And play with children.

In the first year of a player's movement should have a fresh sound to stimulate the senses of hearing and vision to play peekaboo with the paved climb.

Grown up enough to stimulate muscle growth. I had to choose toys that stimulate the use of hand foot coordination of muscles such as pedicab, dough etc.

The clever part ingrained from birth. Considered the cost of each person differently.

But another part of the experience. To learn more. Opportunity to practice.

The importance of cultural and social conditions that are conducive to bringing out the.

